Arab Countries
Tools and Working process for a Collaborative Approach in Food Insecurity Monitoring
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News Focus Geo-data and Maps
Mapping Viewer, search and import/export data
FAO : Global Information and Early Warning System on food and Agriculture (GIEWS)
Anact : Collection of maps about labour, gender, âge, status... (Attlas)
Some urban and rural indicators at the governorate level that help indentify most vulnerable populations areas . The main themes are poverty, health, services available and education.
Data from the state of Yemen through the UNDP [2006-2010 or undefined]

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Main Topics
DownloadArab Countries
Situations compared  :  nutritional and food dependence aspects put into perspective of climate change
Data from FAO,World Bank an others through the UNDP [2004-2007 ; 1960-2005 ; 2010-2011 ]

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Tools and Methods
World view
Overview on few indicators of développement and economic situation.
Main topics : population and growth, GDP and growth, literacy by sex, life expectancy, Infant and maternal mortality, Youth and adult économic activity rate...

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Crisis context :operational vigilance on the ground 
The Sudan Crisis and Recovery Mapping and Analysis project (CRMA)

Two presentations describe the whole CRMA project so both the actual mapping and analysis work, as well as the institutional aspects and capacity development activities
doc 1 (pptx)  - doc2 (ppt)